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Rezistente Finned heaters and Finned tubular heating

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Finned heaters and Finned tubular heating, types:
Low Density 10 Watts by linear centimeter of finned tube Suitable for the gas heating with slow thermic exchange for natural convention with high heat accumulation 450 of degrees celsius
Middle Density 15 Watts by linear centimeter of finned tube Suitable for the heating of gas in pipes with low thermic exchange, also with natural convention with limited heat accumulation  250 Celsius.
Power Density 20 Watts by linear cm of finned tubular heating. Suitable for the heating of gas in forced pipes.
Finned tube heating elements, short description
Metal diameter of the tube 16 mm Outer diameter of the wings 34 mm Metal length Tube A or Lenght = 650 mm Power: 2500 watts Supply voltage expressed in volts (U) = 220 V Standard product available on stock TEHNOCOM LIV SRL Order Code, type of product 25.51.27 CHARACTERISTICS, TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Finned heaters and Finned tubular heating Electrical heating industrial frim steel metal tube with 20 W / cm (Type III). Suitable for the heating of gas in forced pipes. They are the most used and are used for high heat exchanges for power plants, ovens, mixers or packaging machines and air heaters. REMARKS: They are made of stainless steel. They have normal connection type A at one end (threaded terminal and without threaded bushing) and special connection type B at the other end threaded terminals plus threaded bushing.  The medical or pharmaceutical industry
Construction and automotive industry
Electric heaters for meat processing
Petrochemical, oil and mineral gas industry
Packaging industry Sector
Wind plants
Food or beverage industry, Wine Sector
Defrosting electric heaters
Money industry and beekeeping
Electric heaters for the dairy industry
Electric heaters for bakery sector  Diametru metalic al tubului 16 mm
Diametru exterior al aripioarelor 34.5 mm
Lungimea metalica a. tubului A =650 mm
Puterea: 2500 wati
Tensiunea U=220 Volti
Produs standard nedisponibil in stoc
Cod, Model 25.51.27
Caracteristici, Descriere Tehnica, Rezistenta tubulara metalica cu filet din otel 20W/cm Tip III Potrivite pentru incalzirea fortata a gazului sau aerului din interiorul termo-ventilatoarelor, a bateriilor industriale. Sunt cele mai utilizate si se folosesc la schimburi mari de caldura pentru centralele electrice, cuptoare, baxatoare sau masini de ambalat si aeroterme. OBSERVA?II: Sunt fabricate din otel inox. Au conexiune normala tip A la un capat (borna filetata si fara bucsa filetata) si conexiune speciala tip B la celalalt capat (borne filetata plus bucsa filetata. Pentru a obtine oferta noastra de pret apasa butonul de COMANDA din subsolul paginii ! Totodata veti primi si fisa tehnica a produsului cu sfaturi si instructuini de montaj. Mentionam faptul ca strategia companiei noastre este aceea de a incuraja clientii nostri catre folosirea site-ului online. Acesta se refera atat pentru comenzi cat si pentru oferte. Cea mai RAPIDA si IEFTINA varianta de a comanda la TEHNOCOM LIV este direct prin intermediul site-ului nostru online ! RAPIDA deoarece aveti ACCES INSTANT la stocuri iar oferta de pret o veti primi aproape instant ! Completati datele firmei dvs si treceti intotdeauna codul fiscal ca in formatul de mai jos , mereu cu caracterele legate scrise cu majuscule avand RO in fata indiferent daca platiti sau nu TVA ( ulterior noi vom modifica in sistem) . Va multumim anticipat !
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