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Cartus Infrared heating tungsten Halogen Lamp 280IU

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Infrared Heating Tungsten Halogen Lamp 280IU adica lampa infrarosu JHS 400V 3000W 280 IU

Puterea exprimata in Wati: 3000 - Power expressed in Watts: 3000
Tensiunea de alimentare exprimata Volti: 400 - Supply voltage expressed Volts: 400
Tipul de prindere, fixare, montaj de baza: I - Type of fastening, fixing, basic mounting: I
Lungimea totala: 354 mm - Total length: 354 mm - OAL
Lungime de fixatie: 346 x 1 mm - Fixing length: 346 x 1 mm
Lungime de incalzire: 280x5 mm - Heating length: 280 x 5 mm
Lungime fire, cabluri - 0  /  Length of wires, cables - 0
Terminal tip - Terminal type
Temperatura de ardere: 2600 grade KELIVIN - Burning temperature: 2600 degrees KELIVIN
Tip de tub: transparent, clar fara reflector- Tube type: transparent, clear without reflector
Pozitie de ardere, functionare sau monatj: universala - Burning position, operation or assembly: universal
Durata medie recomandat de viata: 5000 de ore - - Recommended average lifespan: 5000 hours
Cod de comanda marca TOSHIBA: EM-1055 - TOSHIBA order code: EM-1055
Din Gura in Gura